Day Full of Waste ^^

Have you ever think of what to do with your waste? Do you recycle or just dump them at a landfill?

Through our journey of collecting garbage along with our local friends from SMP 3 Abiansemal this morning, I realized how much plastics we consume everyday in our life. Although we could recycle most of those plastics, sadly people are not aware of that and just dump them in random places or burn it which can harm the environment.

An environmentalist that joined our journey today to visits places where some of the waste in Bali ended up mentioned that when you throw your garbage or burn them it’s the same as throwing and burning money. Because if you up-cycle (remaking the waste into another kind of form) them, you could sell it and obtain money from it. WASTE can be MONEY??? yeah… Glass bottles can become beautiful drinking glasses, tires could become awesome looking wallets, sterofoams into beanbags… ^^

So guys, lets create this new trend… RECYCLE and UP-CYCLE, make money out of it! Be smart with your waste, and make our home and environment a better place. ^^

Emily’s Journey

Hi! My name is Emily and I’m from Toronto, Canada. About a year ago, I saw a TED Talk about this wild and wonderful place on the other side of the world called Green School Bali. As a high school teacher, I was getting pretty sick of spending all my time marking papers and checking off curriculum objectives. I saw this place as an opportunity to think WAY outside the box and put all of my progressive educational ideas into practice. I wanted to get outside and connect with nature – and teach young people to do the same. I made it my mission to get here.

Celebrating a wedding - Balinese style!

Celebrating a wedding – Balinese style!

It has been quite a journey so far – and the Green Leaders Journey is the next step! This program bridges many of my passions – including sustainability, travel, and teaching. I am really looking forward to working with all of the Green Leaders. We are bringing together a group of awesome young people from around the world, and I can’t wait to meet you tomorrow!

In my career, I have seen how transformational this kind of journey can be for people your age. I’ve witnessed a teenager raise thousands of dollars to support a cause he believes in. I’ve witnessed a teenager in a tearful embrace with the homeless man he used to walk by and ignore day after day. I’ve witnessed a teenager who hated getting dirty howling with laughter as she paints her face with mud. Your energy, idealism and talent never fail to inspire me…and that’s why I can’t wait to start this journey with all of you.

Here is a spoken word poem that I wrote about the journey that brought me here. I hope you enjoy it!

What is the Green Leaders Journey?

In just a few days, a global team of young leaders will take a twelve-day journey into the heart of Bali, Indonesia, to tackle the social and environmental challenges that our planet faces.

It’s going to be an unforgettable couple of weeks, and we hope you’ll follow along as our Green Leaders share their inspiring ideas, captivating photos, and video blogs in real-time.


The Green Leaders Journey combines service-learning, outdoor adventure, and leadership training. Participants aged 14-18 are coming together from around the world to bond with each other, learn about themselves, and experience the magic of Bali.

Green Leaders Journey is located on the award winning Green School  campus, on the shores of the Ayung River. In this inspired setting, participants strengthen their connection with nature and open their eyes to the possibility of an abundant, green future. We’ll be sleeping in open-air yurts, eating food from our organic gardens, and taking advantage of Green Camp’s world-famous ecological facilities.

Visit Green Camp’s website to learn more about the Green Leaders Journey…and join us on the journey by following our Green Leaders blog!